The Baby Village
They always say it takes a Village, and they're right. Navigating parenting without a strong network of support can feel daunting, overwhelming and intense.
And having to suddenly create that Village yourself when you have a little baby in your arms and you're adapting to the new shape of your life can be very difficult!
As a Perinatal Yoga teacher and counsellor with a background in Community Engagement, I figured that I could help fill this gap.
So here it is. The Baby Village.
We're a friendly and diverse community of mindful mothers in Cambridge.
This is a community which includes a strong scaffold of support to see you through the early child rearing years. I've created this ready made community so all you have to do is step into it.
Come hang out with us at a walk or coffee morning. Doesn't matter if you're having a good day, or a bad day- We get it! You're free to just be yourself.
Mothers really benefit from companionship, mindfulness, and positive mental health practices such as deep relaxation and community walks, So here they are, all bundled into an easy to join community.
And unlike many other areas of the internet, it’s a community built on the principles of respect, tolerance and real life events.
It’s a whole system of support to make your journey in mothering easier and more enjoyable.
The Baby Village works as a subscription, so you pay an affordable monthly fee to be a part of the community. There are no contracts and you can join or leave at any time.
Membership is only £15 per month, and
this price stays fixed as long as you're a member.
Future Price increases only apply to new members.
Read what other Mums have to say about
The Baby Village at the bottom of this page

A whole community of support

Coffee chat and chill
Monday morning meet up for Bumps and Babies-in-arms at the Folio Bar in the Fellows Hotel. Time to chat, build friendships, and discuss motherhood and life with a baby. I'm always on hand if you need a chat about something
resource library
A range of blogs, articles, video lessons and podcasts about all things motherhood to support you.
From 'how do I know if my baby is getting enough milk' to 'advice for travelling with a baby' to 'which physios in Cambridge specialise in pelvic floor assessment'
This is a library of information I've been gathering over the last decade.
Chat groups
Over the years, many people have told me that the WhatsApp groups I run are some of the kindest and most respectful ones they've ever been in. These are mutually supportive spaces where you can find advice and support. We share the ups and the downs through this wild ride of motherhood
monthly relaxation
Every month I host a restorative event of some kind. Sometimes it is an online hour long led relaxation. Sometimes its a Friday night out with restorative yoga, food, chat and relaxation.
Parenting can be hard work. These relaxation events can help you reset, recharge, and restore.
monthly walk
Each month we go for a walk together. It's lovely to get outside, to chat to others and let the fresh air revitalise you. I'm always on hand for a chat if you need to talk anything over. We do this year round, weather permitting.
COmmunity challenges
Three times a year we undertake a 6 week Challenge to support positive mental health.
They are designed easy to participate in in the midst of life with little ones.
Mindfulness in May;
Compassion (Loving Kindness) in September; and Gratitude in January.
Join the Baby Village and get my Baby Massage and Transitioning to Motherhood Course for 50% off.
As a perinatal yoga teacher and counsellor, I've spent more than a decade supporting women and families in the transition to having a baby. I've also trained baby massage teachers across the world in these techniques and practices.
This course is designed to ease you through the period from birth up to around 4 months with easy to watch short videos that teach you lots of useful things to navigate those early months.
Baby Massage
Early Postnatal Yoga
How to Hold and Soothe Baby
Reading Baby’s Language
Aids Digestion
Helps Sleep
Relaxation Practices
Builds your confidence
Mindful early parenting