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  • What’s the difference between Baby massage, Baby Yoga and Wrigglers classes?

  • What kinds of emotional and psychological support sessions do you offer?

  • How does booking for the Baby Yoga Classes work?

  • Do I need to be familiar with yoga to come to these classes?

Q – What’s the difference between Baby massage, Baby Yoga and Wrigglers classes?

My online Baby massage and Transitioning to Motherhood course is designed to help you find your way in the early weeks and months.  It is a self led online class that covers the early transition to motherhood. You will learn how to massage your baby, how to support the bonding process, how to hold and soothe, and methods of approaching baby care that is respectful, mindful and realistic.
The course also covers the basic foundations of postnatal practice, in terms of breathing to heal from birth and gently reconnect with your pelvic floor and abdominals, and some simple movements that you can use to ease out the daily aches and pains. It’s suitable for any kind of birth experience, including caesarian or forceps or where there have been complications during or post birth, and the physical movements are gentle enough to begin right from birth.
Mindfulness and positive mental health practices are built in to support your transition into motherhood. This course has a slow gentle pace to it suited to the early months, and is built in short easily digestible videos.

If you have the option I recommend this as a foundation course and then to move onto the Baby yoga class after this. 






My Parent and Baby yoga courses  are face to face at Satyam Yoga centre and are bookable by the scheool half term. Babies should be at least 10 weeks old (it’s fine to start later than this) and can stay in this class as long as they are non mobile. Once they are competently crawling, they can move up to the Parent and Wrigglers class. In this class we do 50% dry massage, movement and mindful play for babies, and 50% gentle postnatal yoga. There is time for chatting built into the class to build friendships and supportive mental health practices are also woven into each class.

The physical yoga or parents is gentle and suitable for those recovering from Caesarian births. If you have a complicated healing pathway, feel free to get in touch to see if this class will suit you. 

It is a vibrant busy class where we support parent-baby bonding; group connection; mindful interaction; self nurture and positive mental health practices.

This class runs throughout the year and can be attended multiple terms. Many people stay until they go back to work or move up to the wrigglers class.



My Wrigglers classes are for parents and babies who are crawling up to 2 years old. These are designed for mobile babies with more playful and dynamic movement and massage, songs and practices to learn about their bodies.

Babies are free to move around and explore the space as they wish, building social skills and confidence within the group at their own pace. At this stage parent yoga becomes more dynamic as well, with opportunities to build strength, balance, patience and relaxation skills as you move towards the toddler years.


Q- What kinds of emotional and psychological support sessions do you offer?

~ Counselling ~

Weekly Sessions to work through any issues that feel stuck or difficult. I offer both short and long term counselling to people of all genders on wide range of issues.
Available online Monday afternoon or Tuesday daytime, or Face to face Tuesday daytime in the Chesterton area. More info HERE
Please note ongoing counselling is not available to paid subscribers of the Baby Village or currently attending my classes.

~ Mentoring ~

Monthly sessions to check in with how you’re doing, talk over any challenges you’re having and celebrate any triumphs.  Supporting your needs, thought processes and resilience strategies so you can manage the juggle of life to flow smoother.
Sessions can be for one parent or as a couple.
Available Wednesday daytimes and Friday mornings.
Open to all (including those in my classes or WhatsApp groups).
More info, including current availability HERE

~ General Support Sessions ~

Adhoc sessions booked to support you through pregnancy, postnatally or into life beyond. These sessions can be a scaffold for you when you need some support working through an issue (such as an upcoming birth, debriefing after birth or other parenting/life issue), or just to have a ‘top up’ when life feels heavy for any reason.
Between 1 and  6 sessions depending on what you need.
More info HERE
Open to all (including those in my classes or WhatsApp groups)


Short Term Perinatal/Maternal Counselling
This kind of short term counselling can be around any issue that pertains to pregnancy, birth, or the postnatal time. It is open to those of all genders and focuses around your needs at the time. It may be about working through birth trauma, or around preparing for birth if you are finding that prospect challenging for whatever reason. It may be about coming to terms with a new medical situation you find yourself navigating through pregnancy, or the transition to becoming parent. It might also be about processing the experience of a miscarriage or managing difficult family or relationship issues during this time of your life. Perhaps you're experience low mood or anxiety a lot, or you don't even know what you're feeling, but you can feelit would be helpful to have some support.
Between 1 and  6 sessions depending on what you need.
More info HERE
Open to all (including those in my classes or WhatsApp groups)

Q – How does booking for Baby Yoga work?

My Parent and Baby yoga classes are very popular and almost always book up.

Because of this, I have a system set up to manage booking in a way that feels fair.

Booking for each term opens around 3-4 weeks before the term begins.

When booking opens, places are offered to the following groups in this order. Please note I do not hold waiting lists.


1- Those already in the classes. This means, once you have a space in the class, you can carry on for as many terms as you wish.


2. My Baby Village Subscribers. One of the added perks of subscription is that you get priority booking for my classes. Please note that this does not necessarily guarantee a spot when classes are particular busy. You can read more about the Baby Village here


3. My Peer Support WhatsApp groups. Anyone with a baby in Cambridge who wishes to join a mindful and supportive community is welcome to join these groups. Please email me for the links.


4. If any spots are available after this, I advertise them on my Insta and Facebook accounts



Q – Do I need to be familiar with yoga to come to these classes?

No. I regularly have women in the class who have never been to a yoga class before and also those who have regularly practiced for years. I teach with an inclusive perspective for all sizes, shapes, fitness level and experience.
I have a Health at Every Size approach and facilitate a space in which you can connect to your body through breath, movement and relaxation in a manner that helps you to feel and move better (through gently building strength, balance and awareness) and supports positive body image and mental health.

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